VIDEO- Oops! Mitt Romney: Pres. Obama "says we need more fireman, more...
Earlier today, we posted the Obama press conference in which the president said, “the private sector is doing fine.” In fact, all private sector jobs lost in Bush recession have been recovered... over...
View ArticleVIDEO: Romney Economics: Fewer Teachers, Fewer Firefighters, Fewer Police...
BarackObamadotcom: Facebook it: it: it:...
View ArticlePoll-itics: "Big government" aid for teachers, police officers, firefighters...
So Willard Romney and his surrogates believe that America thinks we don't need more cops, firefighters or teachers: Where the heck are there "fewer kids in the classroom"? Not in the schools where I...
View ArticleThe Romney campaign "is breaking unwritten rules by attacking the U.S....
There's a "rule" that says taking our domestic disputes to an international level is a no-no. But that didn't stop Team Willard, whose senior economic adviser, in an op-ed in a German newspaper, didn't...
View ArticleVIDEO: The answer to the recession that GOP believes in, but with a Dem in...
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Not only is "government employment" (public sector jobs) popular, it also lowers the unemployment rate and allows Americans to...
View ArticleVIDEO- Memo to Mitt Romney: Federal government DOES fund teachers,...
June 8: “Instead, he [Pres. Obama] wants to add more to government. He wants another stimulus. He wants to hire more government workers. He says we need more firemen, more policeman, more teachers.”...
View ArticleDueling quotes: Obama vs. Romney
Willard Romney put his usual hypocrisy on display at a lunch meeting of the Business Roundtable: "My own view is that he will speak eloquently, but that words are cheap, and that the record of an...
View ArticlePoll-itics: Americans Still Blame Bush More Than Pres. Obama for Bad Economy
Via Gallup. After hearing President Obama's Ohio speech today, what do you want to bet the 68% number will go up? Even 49% of Republicans blame Bush "a great deal" or "a moderate amount" for, well,...
View ArticleVIDEO- Fox's Brit Hume: “The Republican brand name is in terrible shape."
Ya just can't trust the GOP, said Brit Hume on Fox News Sunday: “The Republican brand name is in terrible shape, and people are not naturally sympathetic to the Republicans in Congress. They’re...
View Article2006 VIDEO: GW Bush lauds (possible Romney running mate) Rob Portman as...
If you follow the link below, you can watch a video in which Rob Portman, someone whose name has been mentioned often as a possible running mate for Willard Romney, blasts President Obama on the...
View ArticleAustralian minister warns of Republican 'crazies'
It really depresses me that the world sees us this way, thru our crazies. Not the Mediterranean banks or governments, but the freakin' Teabaggers are the biggest threat. CANBERRA, Australia --...
View ArticleBrief encounter with Mr. & Mrs. Alan Greenspan: "Chairman Greenspan, how's...
Photo of Andrea Mitchell in limo by @Rousseau_ist Yesterday I posted Source– John McCain on economic inequality: “I don’t care, nobody cares.” That story was about and by one of my Twitter pals,...
View ArticleEuropean leaders begin to realize austerity is crippling nations. Gee, ya think?
Drastic cuts, sequestration, firing public workers by the hundreds of thousands, slashing programs that keep people healthy and alive, closing schools, suppressing stimulus plans when we need them...
View ArticleIllinois Black Suburb Can't Even Afford a Library as America Is Privatized...
(Photo: bigoteetoe) Your Daily Dose of BuzzFlash at Truthout, via my pal Mark Karlin: If knowledge from books is power, then the predominantly white status quo doesn't have to worry about young people...
View ArticleCongress "sleazed out of town," including "the majestically useless Rep....
Michael Hiltzik has yet another excellent column in today's Los Angeles Times. This one tackles our do-nothing, incompetent, obstructionist Congress members slithering away for a five-week break while...
View ArticleDon't believe the Chris Christie hype. He has a "crappy economic record..."
Back in October, I wrote about the wonderful Dean Obeidallah: Let's annoy the hell out of right wing haters. "You've never laughed this hard at a Muslim." That very same wonderful Dean Obeidallah has...
View ArticleSupply side economics doesn't work. "Trickle-up economics creates more demand."
Image via Supply side economics doesn't work. How do we know? We've tried it and look where we are today. That trickle-down theory that Republicans have bent over backwards to push has...
View Article"George W Bush ruined the family name." No worries, W, Jeb's up to the task,...
I can barely type the name George W Bush without throwing up in my mouth a little. Okay, a lot. Someone please pass the Tums, Pepto Bismol, and Maalox, because as you see, I just typed George W Bush....
View Article"Jeb Bush": If it weren't for Karl Rove, SCOTUS, we wouldn't have HAD a...
The other day I posted, "George W Bush ruined the family name." No worries, W, Jeb's up to the task, too. Now Garry Trudeau has jumped right in with a perfect coda. He skewered all three Bushes in...
View Article"Think what Ballmer's play money could do to help farmers and their children."
Let's talk money. Few people have enough. A very, very few are sitting on craploads of money, *coughKOCHS, ADELSONcough* but most of us aren't. GOP Congress members block any Democratic bill that aims...
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